Monday, September 6, 2010



broadcasting live from NSA Association...which mean at kakde's office.. got plan to do at Kuantan, so here i am.. waiting for 4.30 pm in time..whoaa, counting is really not my expertise...

in the meantime, i am pleasure to update this blog a.k.a online diary of mine randomly, hikhik... nampok sgt tkde modal nak belog..

raya is around the corner, but preparation is suam-suam kuku, tapi mode raya dah maximum dah ni, tapi takpelah, banyak perkara penting to do, list to do sangat panjang saat ini...

recently, i felt so blessed, maybe it is the barakah of ramadhan, im feeling glad most of the time, what a wonderful life i own, ALHAMDULILLAH,


last few days, i ve been missing some important people was in my life, i truly miss them but they are too far away, tears was dropped, but it's okay, ''rindu itu adalah anugerah dari Allah", jadi saya menadah tangan kepadaNya agar kawan2 saya sejahtera dunia akhirat, aminn..

random is good ^_^ rite?

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